Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Health Benefits of Using a Bidet

Technological advances are happening in all types of consumer products. A very good example is
the rapidly expanding mobile phone technologies that deliver new products and new solutions monthly or even daily. In the field of health, we have new life saving drugs and highly sophisticated medical instruments to cure and diagnose various health issues. In the home improvement and remodeling sector, several innovations are appearing for the benefit of the persons living in. Despite this, most people are not giving due attention to the modern hygienic toilet practices adopted by many European countries.

Use Bidets for Toilet Hygiene

The practice of using toilet paper is still widespread in North America and some other countries. There is nothing wrong in using paper but it is a fact that water can best clean the anal area than any other product. Bidets are toilet accessories that use a stream of water to clean the area through its nozzles. It is possible that the use of toilet paper may increase the chance of bacterial infection and related troubles. Besides, bidets have a host of other advantages when used as a toilet add on.

The Health benefits of Bidets

a) Bidets are helpful to all groups of people like seniors, women, children and adults.

b) People with certain anal diseases like hemorrhoids, constipation and diarrhea consider bidets most beneficial during such conditions.

c) Women who need frequent washing during vaginal discharge or after sexual intercourse can use bidets for better cleansing. They are helpful during pregnancy also.

d) Persons with disabilities who depend on others for their basic needs can use bidets independently without other's help.

e) The use of bidets promotes safe and clean toilet practice, gem free surroundings and a cleaner environment.

            The price of a bidet may be a factor that prompts people not to think of it when taking a home plumbing decision. The price was a bit high earlier but now many bidets with advanced features are available at affordable prices. There are different choices to select such as hand held bidets, conventional bidets and attachable bidets, but all use water to clean the anal area.

            Advanced bidet models come with luxury features like heated seats, water pressure control, temperature control, power saving option, warm air dry, deodorization, male and female nozzles and massaging function. More importantly, the installation of most bidet models is easy and can be done with the DIY guides coming with the products. Only the installation of advanced electronic bidets requires the assistance of a technician, but the same can also be done by a home owner with some plumbing skills. Read more on the topic and get familiarize with various bidet models at www.bidet4me.com.